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The concept of this project comes from a method which uses knitting as a mindful activity to lower the level of anxiety. In this method the rhythm of working the same stitch over and over again calms the heart rate and breathing, creating a feeling of stability and inner quiet.

So the concept of meditation and knitting are combined and medinit have been created.
In medinit app user can learn about knitting as meditation and concept of medinit through audio and video contents. Another important part in medinit service is to make communication between people who want medinit and meditation to be a fixed habit in their lives. in this communications users can benefit of a coach who answers questions and help them to have a better experience.

Another important part in this service is the store which provide different kits of knitting which have booklets of mindful knitting besides required tools.

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Poland summer school


download application

awareness of medinit services

learn how to medinit through audio and video content

buy a part in medinit group kits to participate in knitting a product in group

meet new friends

communication with the coach

mindful knitting

feel better

lower level of anxiety and deppression

story board

How people feel in these years because of covid

How medinit can help people through mindfulness and making communities


Feeling clumsy

Feeling hopeless

Feeling helpless

Feeling Anxiety and negative thoughts

deppresion and feeling lazy

mindfulness and meditation

medinit and mindful knitting

Connect with others by participating in knitting a product

medinit in groups with a coach

UI design
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